Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Commuting is one our daily activities that needs to be done before we can accomplish our day's appointments. It is a piece of our daily cycle especially if we don't have a car of our own. It is my 15-year habit and I've learned to love it and appreciate the positves of it. However, it also accomodates things that give you a scowl. People of today are insensitive of how other feels and perceives. As long as they enjoy doing things, they don't mind those around them. They keep doing things pleasurably even if they know it is not right to do so.

1. Indiscriminate cigarette smoking of passengers and drivers who ignore our right to health and the law prohibiting it.

2. Loud and too much gossip and prate. You know what is gossip is.

3. Drivers that are mean, rude, and impolite.

4. Passengers that act like master. This usally happened inside PUJ's that have a very few people inside. They occupy the seat nearest to the door (don't know why they afraid to sit near the driver) and order you to take their fare to the driver, even if you are practically meters away from him.

5. People who ignore the movement other commuter's fare even if it stays on his face. They don't even care to hand them to a proper recepient.

6.Partying inside a PUJ that makes you drool..and eat your heart out.

7. Passengers and drivers who don't practice proper social ethics

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