Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I was browsing my Friendster account when it came into my mind to search the people who captures our attention today and the coming days. They are our future leaders eyeing the highest office of the land (Phillipines). It's glad to know that by these social networks (plus Facebbok and Multiply), we can meet them at personal level and know their history, accomplishments, credentials for presidency, significant contributions to society, plataformas de govierno and their position for the very important issues confronting our country today. I just don't know if they personally manage their account or if they assigned an assistant. Their pre-occupation may obligued them to do so I guess. I just don't know how reliable the information that were presented as search queries displays at least three accounts on their name. And usually they differ in some aspects like age and other infos. Yet they are not that important for me as of now. What I'm looking for are the ones that will guide us to do the right choice. It maybe too early to do the scrutiny but it's still better to know them beforehand. Those that accepts my invitation were added to my featured friends so that I can easily update their profile each time I visit my own account. Mabuhay!

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